Happy Teddy Day SMS Messages | Quotes Wishes Greetings :- You know that teddy bear is the cutest thing that had ever been for the girls, yes guys they see teddy bear as a friend whom they can talk with, play with, fight and share their problem. Most of the girl do burn the teddy when they are sad or angry. The innocent teddy bear has no fault and it is also thrown by the girl because they are very angry at that time. So boys it is humble advice to you that you should not let this happen, I think you should offer a cutie teddy to your girlfriend because whenever she will miss you, she will play with that teddy and you will love to know that in the valentines week list this day also got preference in the romance and love. This day comes at 10th February and we should also celebrate this. At this time big mall and gift galleries earn best and good because of this day. Tons of teddies are prepared for the girl who so ever love a teddy bear and I think you should also buy this for your love. We have also mentioned about happy teddy day sms for girlfriend /boyfriend | him / her
Love me Love my Teddy BearKiss me Kiss me my Teddy BearHug me Hug me my Teddy Bear
“The guy behind the counter scratches his neck. “Are you being serious?” Her face is stoic. “Absolutely. I never kid about teddy bears.”

Happy Teddy day SMS, Messages
So this can celebrated in social media for those who wants to save money and bucks, now you must be thinking how the hell we can save money form this day. It is very simple, you can easily send a text sms or whatsapp messages in which a teddy bear is created with dots, slashes and commas, see how simple it is and from that money which you have saved you can go for a movie or some outdoor to have fun and romantic time spending. Yup guys I have given you the right idea about this and you should apply as soon as it is applicable with you. So here are some of those messages which can save you money and time too, just go through them and find the best for you and share it with love.
“There’s just something about a Teddy Bear that’s impossible to explain. When you hold one in your arms, you get a feeling of love, comfort, and security. It’s almost supernatural.”
“Bears are just about the only toy that can lose just about everything and still maintain their dignity and worth.”

Happy Teddy day Quotes, Wishes, Greetings
In schools and colleges you wished so many teachers and faculty saying good morning, afternoon, and evening too and now it is your life and you have been grown up and you should make the trend of saying happy teddy day to you friends and neighbours. Here are some of the wishes you will very happy to read them and I think that you may save them and forward it to your friends and loved once.
“It’s too bad we’re not all teddy bears. More stuffing would only make us cuter and cuddlier.”
“Teddy Bears are like keys. They’re always in the first place you think they’d be, and the last place you look.”

So this was from our side on topic Happy Teddy Day SMS Messages | Quotes Wishes Greetings | Sayings for whatsapp and we think that we have given you enough information this topic and in return you will give us feed and gift as you may share and forward these test and quotes in social media places, so they tcan also find us on net and we will love to hear comments and compliments form you all. Don’t forget to bookmark us on your chrome and browser. Also join our Facebook fan page and at Google + also.