Full Form of NSS – Meaning & Abbreviation

Full Form of NSS:

National Service Scheme

NSS Full Form is National Service Scheme. NSS is a programme related to the service of the public. It is sponsored and monitored by Indian Government. This association is voluntary in nature. This programme was initiated in 1969 by the Youth Affairs and Sports department of the Indian Government.

The main of this programme is to build and develop the sense of social welfare and community services in students who are in +2 level, or colleges and universities. It helps to build a healthy connection between the campus and the community. Both the teachers and the students participate in this programme.

They are involved in various social activities like planting trees, cleaning the garbage, build social awareness through street processions and rallies, and organizing health camps. The activities are mainly targeted to help needy people, maintain healthy environment in the society, and improvement of wholesome standard of living.

Full Form of NSS - Meaning & Abbreviation
Full F orm of NSS – Meaning & Abbreviation

Usually the camps are organized annually by the students and they are mostly held in rural and sub-urban areas. NSS units can be seen in most of the institutions that are either the direct supervision of the government or are government aided. One unit consists of 20-40 students who are willing to participate in community development programmes. National welfare is promoted and performed (to some extent) by the activities of NSS.

NSS Full Form – Network Switching Subsystem

Full Form of NSS refers to Network Switching Subsystem. The Network Switching Subsystem acts as a manager of connectivity between wireless networks and public networks.  It forms the connection between phones external to a GSM network and also between terminals of the GSM network. The functions of the NSS are Call Control, Deciding the call charges, Mobility management and handling data of the subscriber. The NSS consists of the following:

  1. MSC or Mobile switching Center
  2. HLR or Home Location Register
  3. VLR or Visitor Location Register
  4. EIR or Equipment Identity Register
  5. AuC or Authentication Center.

The main part of the NSS, the MSC performs the function of call control by identifying the call origin, call destination and nature of the call (local or roaming) and depending on these parameters for a particular call decides the call charging. The other components of the NSS are Registers which help the MSC perform its task of switching of calls between the mobile and other fixed or mobile networks. MSC refers to these registers as and when required.

The HLR contains the details of the subscriber like name, SIM number, etc. and also the services to which a user has subscribed. Along with this, the HLR also keeps a track of the current subscriber location. The VLR carries out registrations with regards to the location using the AuC and finds out whether the subscriber is registered in the home network or on roaming. The EIR is generally concerned with the device and necessary as a security measure.