Full Form of LKG
Lower Kinder Garten
LKG Full Form is Lower Kinder Garten. Almost every child in India goes through LKG as the first step of education. The first two parts of education which are mandatory for every child to enter the primary education in India are LKG and UKG. UKG refers to Upper Kinder Garten. In India, LKG could either be the first stage of a child’s education or a child could have completed pre-nursery or playschool beforehand.
The age restriction followed in most schools for admission of LKG is 3 years. Some schools are flexible and this entirely depends on the management. Children learn poems, dance, syllables, etc. in LKG. Most schools teach only oral pronunciation of the alphabets. Whereas; some schools teach them to hold the pencil and draw straight lines and sleeping lines. This would help the children to write alphabets in a much clear and easy way.

LKG Full Form – Additional Information
For every child, the 1st part that constitutes the compulsory education is the Kindergarten. It prepares the children for the primary level of education. It is the 1st systemized experience of a classroom that is encountered by them. It is further segmented into 2 stages. These are LKG or lower kindergarten and UKG or upper kindergarten.
Those children who have already finished the stage of the Nursery School or the play school are eligible to obtain admission in the lower kindergarten. The majority of the schools do not demand any educational requirements prior to the admission into it. For getting admitted into this education stage, the age of the child must not be less than 3 years and must not be more than 4 years. It is essential to select that school, which fulfills all requirements for this stage. The things learned by a child during the lower kindergarten stay with them over a large number of years.
The main focus of the education given during the lower kindergarten stage lies in the intellectual, physical and linguistic growth of a child. The learning of social, as well as emotional nature also holds an important part at this educational level. A large amount of stress is given to the active participation of the children in the activities done in classes. The verbalizing of impressions, as well as feelings, is also an essential part of the syllabus. The designing of the majority of the activities is done for increasing the confidence in children. These also help them in interacting in a good manner. At this stage, the skills acquired by them are transferred to the level of upper kindergarten.
LKG Syllabus
In addition to the development of writing and reading skills at the LKG level, the syllabus also includes other subjects. Some of them are discussed below:
Before learning to write alphabets, the children learn pre-writing strokes like sleeping line, right slanting lines, right curve, down and up curve, etc. For developing speaking as well as listening skills in them, general conversations regarding the environment, festivals, etc are promoted.
In this subject, they learn certain pre-math concepts, which includes in-out, heavy-light, tall-short, same-different, thick-thin, full-empty, more-less and big-small. They also learn about numbers, which includes writing and counting them, names of numbers, completing the numbering pattern, etc. Additionally, they learn shapes and colors.
General Awareness
In this, they learn about themselves, their body parts, birthday, school, home, and family. They are also made aware of the safety at playgrounds, home, and roads; transport, animals, and seasons.
Before a child enters into lower kindergarten, there are certain perquisites set by every school. For example, the child must know to read their name, and must be able to recognize the alphabet letters. The reciting of the alphabets, either all of them or some, must be easier for them.
There are no doubts that different schools adopt different teaching methods. But at the same time, the majority of the teachers work on developing similar skills of reading in children. At the beginning of education in lower kindergarten, a child spends loads of time knowing the details of reading, such as the left to right motion of reading and top to bottom, matching of sounds and alphabets, sight words, vowel sounds and much more.
Thus, when a child ends the educational stage of LKG, he or she is able to recognize all alphabets, whether they are in lowercase or in uppercase form. They are able to read sight words or words of high frequency. They are not only able to create words that rhyme, but also recognize them.
The writing on the stage of lower kindergarten is an active process of learning. Numerous tools are used for making a child learn the process of writing, which includes crayons, markers, pens, chalk, brushes and pencils on a large number of surfaces like chalkboards, chart paper, slates and regular paper.
In the LKG, the children learn the method of holding pencils and by practice, obtains a certain amount of control over their motor skills for holding the tools of writing. Every child takes a different amount of time to learn how to write. The progressing of every child at this stage is quite slow, and it continues in the upper kindergarten as well.
When a child passes the LKG, he or she is able to form different alphabets and can not only name things but can also label them. They can keep their focus intact while writing. They became aware that alphabets, when used collectively, make words. They also become aware of the entire set of alphabets.