Full Form of ESI:
Employees’ State Insurance
ESI Full Form is Employees’ State Insurance. ESI is a social security programme for the workers in India. This programme is self financed. It deals with health insurance of workers and helps to maintain the economical stability through the utilization of this financial programme.
The legalized act for ESI was submitted and enacted in the year of 1948. But it came into real effect in 1952. It is statutory body that is supervised by the Ministry of Labor and Development in India. This insurance system is available to all those workers who earn equal to or less than 15000 Rupees in a month.

The total share of a worker in this scheme is 6.5%, because the worker contributes 1.75% and the employer contributes about 4.75%. This system supervises the medical treatment opportunities of workers and their families. It also ensures cash benefits in certain medical treatments. The scheme becomes active in cases of maternity, disability, medical sickness, or death of worker.
The facilities are provided through dispensaries, specialized hospitals, or regional offices. These institutions are built either independently or in a collaboration with the respective state governments or any private sector organization. The workers are provided with certain type of smart cards to avail them with medical facilities and cash benefits.