Full Form of ASP
Active Server page
ASP Full Form is Active Server page. ASP is an HTML page which includes scripts on a Microsoft Web server before it is presented to the user. It is similar to a CGI or Common Gateway Interface application. It is also termed as Classic ASP. It is the first ever server-side script engine of Microsoft. This is exclusive for dynamic web pages. ASP.NET was first released in the year 2002. ASP is a part of Microsoft Internet Information Server or IIS. However, since the script on a server side is building an HTML page, it can be given out to any browser. In simple terms, ASP file is same as the HTML file. It has an extension ‘.asp’. Nevertheless, the basic difference between HTML and ASP is, (1) When browsers request HTML files, they are returned by the server, (2) When browsers request ASP file, a request is passed to the ASP engine by the IIS. The ASP engine then reads every line of the ASP file and executes them. Finally, the ASP file is returned in the form of plain HTML to the browser.

ASP Full Form – Application Service Provider
Full Form of ASP is Application Service Provider. ASP is essentially a business providing service (computer based) to a customer over a particular network for example providing access to a customer relationship management software that uses a standard protocol (for example, HTTP). The requirement of ASP has resulted from the increasing costs for specialized software which have now exceeded the range of price of the small and medium-sized enterprises. Additionally, there is the growth of complexities of software which have incurred greater costs in the distribution of softwares to users.
With the help of ASPs, all these concerns relating to costs and complexities of such softwares can be reduced effectively. Also, the issues relating to upgrading have been eradicated by placing the burden on the ASP for the maintenance of up-to-date services, electronic and physical security, technical support, and inbuilt support directed towards flexible working and business continuity. ASP’s clients include government organizations, non-profit organizations, businesses, and membership organizations. The advantages of ASP include the elimination of issues relating to software integration; improvement in reliability, scalability, availability in the internal Information Technology systems; accessibility to technology and product experts; cost reduction of internal Information Technology, etc.
There are different forms of ASP businesses: a functional or specialist ASP which delivers an individual application, for example, processing of credit card payment; a vertical market ASP that provides solution package for a particular customer category for example, dental practice; an enterprise ASP that provides broad spectrum solutions; and a local ASP that provides small business services restricted to a limited area. Many analysts believe that there is another ASP category named Volume ASP, which provides low priced packaged solution through their website. One example of such type is PayPal. Some of the features of ASP are: ASP completely owns and conducts the operation of software applications; it maintains and operates servers, which provide support to software; ASP provides information that is available by means of a thin client or Internet.